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If you are new to Zarhus, this section is to help you get started using Zarhus operating system and possibly contributing to making it better.

Yocto Project

If you have no prior experience with Yocto Project, it's highly recommended to visit official documentation for Yocto Project Quick Start or choose one of our Pace Enterpraise Training courses focused on Embedded Linux and Yocto Project development.

Zarhus Contribution

All code review and all issues related to Zarhus are resolved on GitHub. An account there is necessary to contribute and report issues. All Zarhus repositories can be found here.

When you have an account on GitHub go ahead and configure an SSH key. It's also highly recommended to configure a GPG key before contributing anything. Instructions to do that can be found here. With that your account should be ready to contribute to Zarhus.

Zarhus Issues

zarhus-issues repository is the central hub for tracking and managing issues related to Zarhus OS. Whether you've discovered a bug, have a feature request, or want to contribute to the discussion, this is the place to be.

How to raise an issue:

  1. Explore Existing Issues: Before creating a new issue, take a moment to browse through existing ones. Your concern or idea might already be in discussion, and you can add your thoughts or upvote existing suggestions.
  2. Creating a New Issue: For bug reports, provide detailed steps to reproduce the issue, your operating system, and any relevant information. Feature requests should include a clear description of the desired functionality and why it would be beneficial.